Servers guarantee you a powerful processor and outstanding memory to accommodate the largest number of visitors, without being affected by any technical or technical problems and without any interruption to your site.
The performance is 10 times faster than normal
The ability to move sites and servers with ease
Operating system with the latest version of the most secure
Make backup copies periodically to ensure your data is not lost and recovered at any time
We provide 24/7 technical support for hosts
We make three backup copies of our sites as follows:
Daily copy: It is done daily at a specified hour of the morning automatically from the server. Weekly copy: The beginning of each week is done automatically from the server. Monthly copy: The beginning of every month is done automatically from the server.Servers that guarantee you a processor with strong performance and distinct memory to accommodate the largest number of visitors, without being affected by any technical or technical problems and without any interruption to your site.
24/7 highly technical support to our clients includes
All our servers at Maham International for Information Technology have protection against viruses and include: